Hello every body..
When i puplished THIS post ,some asked me to send it to the local Quryna قورينا news paper,so I did..
To tell the truth I didn't expect it to be puplished...But to my surprise ,a very good one that is ,an SMS message told me to check the the paper issued on thurseday ,JAnuary 31st ,2008..
And,,it was there...
Nice surprise ,right..
So ,i think i will enjoy my 15 minutes ,that in case that more than 10 people have read the article...:)
Well...It is nice and exciting....
Till next time
My best regards
Benghazi Citizen
WOW! I know a celeberity! To bad I have no idea what the article says! Well Doc, still waiting..... I know your extremely busy, arn't we all these days. Keep safe! K.H.
OH, and congradulations on the news article, GOOD JOB sport! Sorry, I mean DOTOR sport! Ha ha! write soon love your work! K.H.
wow wow wow !, great job Doc. , even though I wasn't surprised, coz the article was magnificently written, well done, keep up the good work.
K.H:Hello there..It's been a while...now you will have to talk to my aid to set an appointment..Let your people talk to my people,ok??lol..just kidding,celebrity stuff.Thank you for the nice words..And i'm still trying to get on the track...believe me.
enlightened spirit:3 wows?for me?i'm really fluttered:)..believe me ,i'm really pleased that you loved the article..i hope it will give those who read it some thing to think about..
Thank you again..
salam Dr BC
well done, iam realy so pleased for u , it was a great post , and got alot in our hearts to,
so ur famous writer now ha ha .sure u must be thrilled and proud
Salam Dr
How are you and hows your work ?
I'm really happy for you It was a great post infact I sent it abroad
to my father to read it,It was and still the best.
congratualtion again
fe aman Allah
Salam Benghazi Citizen,
MABROOK! From the attestment of others, I understand "great job" is in order. :-) Please enjoy the spotlight as you do it so humbly.
congratz doc, was my first time reading da article, touched me deeply indeed.
thank u
told you it was a good article, well done.
is Qurina newspaper online?
Great work, keep writing and sending to Qurina, or Oea, but I was wondering as you published a photo of the newspaper with what appears to be your picture why did you smudge your name?! keep writing.. Ghazi
I got ur Newspaper
its great article keep writing nd sending 2them
I was with my friend when I bought that newspaper nd I told my friend that there s a nice article here u should read it
when I opend ur page my friend screamed ...already knew u.....and we started 2 talk
about u.but �����
keep going DR
D.T.D:Thank you dear friend..I felt sorry because no body talks about it loud..It is a touching subject for all benghazi residents and libyans as well....
About me being a famous writer and all,well,,i don't know about that ,but i'm sure i'm pleased that it's published:)..Thank you.
crowded mind:Thank you ,i'm happy that you think it is that good..I hope your father liked it too...
Thank you for the supporting words..
ibeebarbie:Thank you.I'm sorry i couldn't write the post in english..It is about a libyan freedom fighter tomb that libyans ,and benghazi citizens in particular ,have great affection for..It was demolished with out aconvencing reason..it made a lot of people sad...Thank you..
damoon:Thank you for stopping bye..I'm glad you liked it..
anglo-libyan:Thank you dear friend.Your words-all of you-convenced me to send it and see what will happen..About Quryna ,it is a new news paper ,it's its second year.It comes at a part of a bigger plan to encourage the freedom of speech and all..People in charge of it says it is copletely independent and it reflects a desire for change..We certainly hope that is true.Un fortunately ,it is not an on line paper.
ghazi gheblawi:Thank you very much. to tell the truth i don't write much .but i will try to do what you suggest..About my name ,well,i love my anonymous profile:) ,but after re-considering ,it is pointless,but it is habbit..I think i will replace it :)
anonymous: But....WHAT???? ..I hope that no thing bad was said about me..lol..it is great to know that you think it is a nice article..Glad you loved it..
And again: WHAT BUT??????lol
Hey its all was great things
don't stress your self If u came 2 college my friend will tell about wat happen but I know u'v no time 4 da college bydaway i sent my regards with my friend
anonymous:mmmmmm,that sounds mysterious...lol..
It's ok any way...
Again i'm glad u liked it...Wish you best of luck..
(it's good to know that good things were said,what a relief,,lol)
best regards to you and your friend
great job Doc & Keep writing..
Good luck
lovelyh:thank you very much..i'll try,,,
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