arachnophobia is simply the abnormal fear of spiders and scorpions....
Again,while surfing the net,THIS INTERESTING NEWS hit me:British scientists discovered a fossilized remnants of a huge Sea Scorpion, ancestors of the present little scorpion, with a length of 8 feet (2.4meters)..That means it was much larger than an adult human being ,and the idea of swating them or spraying an insecticide,well,let's say it wouldn't be very clever....
These enormous creatures lived some 400 million years ago..You can imagine that we wouldn't stand a chance in front of these creature,not with out the use of a machine gun any way....
Arachnophobics every where,,read this and think how lucky you are....
till next time
Benghazi Citizen
that is really hard to imagine, this life keeps striking us with it's unbelievable facts, the insects are difficult to coexist with, even with it's small size, how if it was that large ... I can see a cockroach crushing me down by his long hairy leg and continue his way in a total ignorance ... wow ... what a horrible nightmare.
Hi BC, nice post as usual.. :)
Well, I think if they were that large they wouldn't bother us, they would live in jungles like all wild animals that we don't see except on TV or in the zoo, so I prefer if cockroaches, beetles, and spiders where in the size of lions, tigers, or even elephants 'O_O'
But the idea of large lizards freaks me out, when I was a little kid I used to see large lizards in dreams, there is nothing I hate more than a lizard
what do you call them in benghazi bobrase or bokeshash?! :)
Subhan allah,i have heard about this and saw it by Tv news.But we all know some of animlas were in big size befor Long times,and life changed and we all have changed..
That is showing us./The Power Of the Lord "Allah akber" yes.
Subhan allah..
Thanks benghazi city.4 sharing .
enlightened spirit:believe me,i imagined the same thing:I imagined my sister screaming (cockroach ,cockroach),oh God how much she hates them,,and i come to rescue and....BAAM,,,i imagine my self in front of this huge cockroach....well,,,,i will leave the rest to your imagination...
CNN Libya:Well,,the problem with these creatures that they multiply so fast and they are really flexible when it comes to living areas...I assume you are right...But i'm really thankful that they are not around any more..
About big lizards,,i used to be the biggest fan of dinasaurs,THESE ARE BIG LIZARDS...lol,,,and yes...we call them BUBRAISE in Benghazi,,and...I HATE THEM...
Glad u liked the post...
hibo:I believe God prepared earth for us humans to live on it...part of this is making it more suitable and friendly to recieve us...The problem is humans are the most destructive creatures,,we consume our resources in a pace that threatens our very existence....Hope they undedrstand how previliged they are being God's choice to live on this planet..
Thank you all
Salam Benghazi Citizen,
YIKES! Now that's one big dude.
I agree wholeheartedly on what you said in your response to Hibo "I believe God prepared earth for us humans to live on it...part of this is making it more suitable and friendly to recieve us...The problem is humans are the most destructive creatures,,we consume our resources in a pace that threatens our very existence....Hope they undedrstand how previliged they are being God's choice to live on this planet.."
We as humans are just greedy little buggars.
ibeebarbie :yes,we are.....our modern way of living can not continue for ever,,wde have to find a way to be more environmental friendly...
Thank you for stopping by,,,
Benghazi Citizen
Interesting. It makes me think of Colin Wilson's SF of Spiders controlling the earth and keeping humans enslaved, which happened after a mutation due to radiation. Well, cause of radiation, you can guess the reason?
Gheriani:This scenario is the favorite for many SF writers..I watched many movies about this idea,large insects or spiders,or even scorpions some times,which appears as a result of a mutation due to radiation(A nuclear war of course) or awakens from a deep sleep that lasted millions of years..
Thank u
salam BC
as usual I enjoy with your posts mashaAllah its greathorror one
fact I hate cockroaches they are sucks and available in every where even at the White House
asha Loves them she used to play with them untill the death
I think if those spiders and scorpions still here asha should be much bigger to help me with them kidding
thanks Allah that they are not here any more
fe aman Allah
maya:glad you enjoyed it,sorry if i scared you:)...Well,i remember watching a cat once playing(with) a cockroach..well,,let's say my stomach didn't feel ok...quite disturbing,,lol..
Hibo:من الجميل أن ننسق موعدا أو اجتماعا لأعضاء مجتمع المدونات الليبي...اشجعك على الفكرة,لكن للأسف وجودي في بنغازي يصعب الأمور علي نوعا...لكني أحييك و أشجعك....
Benghazi Citizen
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