Dear friends:
I have to apologize for those who comment on my blog with out me responding..
And i have to apologize because i don't find the time to check on your blogs regularly as i used to, a routine i like..
I've been busy lately ,preparing for an on coming exam.
I will be busy for a while,weeks may be ,but i will try to check on my blog every time and then..
Pray for the best for all of you..
Till next time
Benghazi Citizen
ahllan Bc
i wish u all the best and good luck in ur exams ,iam sure u will inshallah give it ur best shot ,
best of luck ,and do not lock my friend ;)
keep us updated.
wishing you the best of luck...not lock...in you exams!!!
and remember if u just do ur best(which i know u will!), allah will not let it go to waste!!!
Salam Dr
I wish you the best
I know that you'll do it
keep posting and tell us about it
crowded mind
fe aman Allah
Do what you must, and you'll do fine inshaallah. I wish you luck and success.
Salam Benghazi Citizen,
Best of wishes for you in your upcoming exams, inshallah. You will definitely be missed but certainly not forgotten. Eagerly waiting to here the outcome of your results. :-)
Salamat BC
Here's wishing you all the best of luck in excelling in your exams.
I will pray for you.
May Allah bless and protect you always.
inshaAllah all is going well
keep us updated please :o)
dear friend :
the big day is approaching isn't it?
don't panic, keep quiet, try to have at least 4 hours of natural sleep (some ppl take some sedatives which actally can block and lock the mind, hope u don't) night before the exam, and of course don't forget a good breakfast the morning of the exam, in case if u was able to swallow anything.
and lastly the things which I don't need to remind u of assala and do3aa.
Allah will always be with you
hey my brother
we all feel that we re boring of updating..and we feel lazy to write reply for others who really care about what we re writing..but..
you found urself Feel guilty often trying to put right for your papers is blaming us Letters
Not lost much .. not Arafat's absence and the extent of our affection and our respect for you.
Be Happy ,dont` be sorry..
we miss you ..
hhhhhhhhhhhhhi dr,hw r u ihope u did well n exams,i wish 2 see u as soon as u get back successfully,good luck,TAK CARE OF UR SELF
goodluck bro in ur exam ...
dnt b mch hidden ...
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