It's been a while ,I know
I got really busy with a lot of things going on with work ,study ,and
Although I'm late ,but happy Ramadan every body ,and Happy Eid..I wish you all enjoyed the holy season with your loved ones..
Those who follow my Blog ,know about my hobby of hiking ,and doing little adventures and expeditions every now and then..
Few months ago ,I visited Tobruk ,the home twon of my father..Visited the area only 4 times in my entire life ,but every time I find out a new thing..
Tobruk has an ancient ,rich history..It has a natural Sea Port that made it an important trading center through out history ,and it's position near the Egyptian borders gives its future many potentials.
Tbruk is also known for its role in World War II ,where it was the center of the attention of the fighting forces ,specially the German and the British .
I was lucky enough to visit Wadi El-Sahl ,or the Flat Valley ,which is located in the western entrance of the city..
The sides of the Valley has a lot to say about this war ,Trenches ,Tunnels ,Strong points .
I climbed down and walked through deep darkness ,with a small falsh light and my cell phone camera.
Some of the tunnels were flooded ,in others i sank ankle deep in thick layers of mud
But I made it through ,and took some amazing pictures..
No more to be said..
If you like to see more pictures ,you can vist THIS SITE ,which contains excellent pictures collected by General Suleiman Obeidi