I spent a few weeks in Toronto.. Unfortunately ,I didn't get the chance to see much of the city because i was busy studying and preparing for my killer exams..
When i was done with them ,I had only 5 days till the time of my departure..so Idecided to see as much as I could of the city..
On my list was the Royal Ontario Museum.. A magnifecent place at which i spent about 6 hours till the museum door were closed..
a little more than 3 hours were spent in a section of the museum that really fascinated me..
When i was a little kid,dinosaurs were a kind of an obsession to me.. I read a lot about them , watched many documentaries about them ,and i even tried to memorise some of their complicated latin names and i kept drawing them on my note books and every piece of blank paper i could lay hand on..
So i spent most of my time in the Dino-section..Looking at the bones of these extinct creature for the first time in my life ,and finding out I'm still in love with these huge reptiles (Of course that doesn't mean I would die happily by the sharp teeth of good old T-Rex ,i prefer them extinct rather than being a part of there food chain,lol)
These aresome pictures from that section...
(If you want to know more about there names ,check HERE)