It was my birth day few days ago...
A new milestone..
Three decades on planet Earth ,good to know i actually survived this long.
No ,i didn' expect the world to stop revolving ,and sure enough i didn't expect to see the news on the 6 o'clock news..Actually ,i spent my day and night at work,the usual fun night shift..
Looking back into my life ,i realize that i had so many things to think about ,except for my birth ,which i really had no thing to do with ,if you have any objecions ,call my parents..
Seriously ,I start to think about every thing ..
I went through interesting stages..And what strikes more was the fact that i'm actually still evolving...into what?i really don't know!!!!
I was the quite kid ,whose every boy in the class hated because he was the teacher's favorite...
I was the boy scout who loved he nature ,but didn't like to mix with others a lot..
I also was the boy who likes to read about dinasaurs ,and dream about being an astronaut..
I survived my teen age years with few ,or non ,acne scars ,and thank God ,there was no smoking or drugs issues during that...
I was even an idealist for a while ,and that was really stressing ,so i gave up idealism and became more practical ,but in a good way(I hope!)...
I had my share of the heart breaks .
I had my dreams ,my night mares ,my demons..
I had people i loved ,and ohers i hated..
After three decades ,i realized that i'm very much the same..and not the same a all..
I realized that there is a difference between what i am ,and what i want to be ,but i am the result of both..
I have great friends ,whose support and encourgement helped me hrough the darkest moments ,even though they lead their lives thousands of miles away.
But above i all ,I have a great Mother ,whose devotion and love was the real light house ,that guided me through it all
Whose smile and care is like no thing else..
So ,did i talk too much about some thing that only matters to me?? well,,it is really not my fault..
You know me well enough by now to realize that i am not that quite kid any more...Perhapse it is jus that i like the voice of my own thoughts..
So,what else did i realize on my birh day??
I realized that i'm still making the same mistakes ,saying the same things ,having the same dreams
I realized that now i am one year older..
and not a bit wiser..
Till next time..
My best regards