Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Arachnophobics nightmare!!!

arachnophobia is simply the abnormal fear of spiders and scorpions....

Again,while surfing the net,THIS INTERESTING NEWS hit me:British scientists discovered a fossilized remnants of a huge Sea Scorpion, ancestors of the present little scorpion, with a length of 8 feet (2.4meters)..That means it was much larger than an adult human being ,and the idea of swating them or spraying an insecticide,well,let's say it wouldn't be very clever....

These enormous creatures lived some 400 million years ago..You can imagine that we wouldn't stand a chance in front of these creature,not with out the use of a machine gun any way....

Arachnophobics every where,,read this and think how lucky you are....

till next time


Benghazi Citizen

Monday, November 19, 2007

مائة و خمسون ..........ملياراً؟؟؟؟؟

اليوم استمعت الى الأخبار الليبية في الراديو(المذياع,لكي لا نجد أنفسنا في وسط دوامة نقاشات الغزو الثقافي),كنت أقول أنه أثناء استماعي للأخبار وأنا أقود السيارة,ورد خبر تفصيلي طويل عن خطة شاملة لتنفيذ ما سمي بالمشاريع(الاستراتيجية) تم الموافقة عليه من اللجنة الشعبية العامة ,على أن تنفذ الخطة على مدى خمس سنوات فقط لا غير....طبعاً ما أثار فضولي هو المبلغ الضخم المرصود لهذه المشاريع,(حسناً,انه مذكور في عنوان المدونة,اظنني قد قتلت عامل المفاجأة بهذا)

مائة و خمسون مليار دينار ليبي فقط لا غير تدفع لحامله....آآ...أظنني كنت أحلم بصوت مرتفع هنا

هذا المبلغ سيرصد للقيام بالنهوض بمشاريع و قطاعات حيوية في ليبيا,سيقام انشاء تسعة آلاف ,أجل,ثلاثة أصفار,فصل دراسي مزودة بأحدث وسائل التعليم,و أيضا انشاء آلاف الوحدات السكنية للشباب قبل أن يهاجروا أو يقتلو أنفسهم,و أيضاً صيانة الطريق الساحلي بأحدث التقنيات ,و زيادة اضافية للمرتبات ,مع رفع الدعم العيني عن بعض السلع,و انشاء شركات جديدة بعضها له طابع(أظنه استشاري).و أيضاً توسيع مطار طرابس العالمي ليتسع لعشرين مليون مسافر سنوياً(كلا,ليس الأمر مزحةو توسيع مطاري بنغازي و سبها (العالميين)و توسيع عدد من الموانئ البحرية الإستراتيجية و انشاء مشروع قطار المدينة في طرابلس,,و,,,,و,,,و,,,الخ

حسنا,من الجيد أنه لم يتم الاعلان عن اطلاق مشروع الفضاء وبدء ارسال رواد فضاء ليبيين وسط كل هذا الخضم....ء

اذا ما بسطنا الموضوع,يمكننا القول أنه في خلال خمس سنوات,اذا كنت ممن يعيشون في الخارج و عدت بعد انقضائها,فانك قد لا تتعرف على ليبيا بعد الآن.....مشاريع عملاقة تعد برخاء غير مسبوق و رغد لا مثيل له...مشاريع ستقام كلها خلال............خمس سنوات؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

قمت فقط بنقل الخبر,مدى جديته هو أمر يتكفل به أصحاب القرار,كل ما يمكنني قوله أن التنميةتستحق الانتظار حتى و ان انتظرنا عقوداً اضافية من الزمن,و أن التخطيط السليم و الاستعجال ليسا دوماً بالضبط مركباً مستقراً,,,كل ما أرجوه على الأقل أن يوضع الرجال المناسبون في المواقع المناسبة لتحمل المسؤولية,و أن لا يكون الوهم هو جائزة انتظار تحقيق الوعود....ء


Benghazi Citizen

Friday, November 16, 2007


Virtual reality video games are the future ,at least this how it looks like,but ,,VIRTUAL OWNERS of a foot ball(soccer)club??? ..Well,,that's new..

I was surfing the net and THIS news caught my attention...

I know that the internet-based trading and market is growing faster than any industry in the history of the world..You can buy or sell any thing on line ,from clothes ,to computers ,to cars ,to a share in some company..You can do hotel reservations ,book for holidays to exotic islands...

But this is new: An Internet-based fan club buy a controlling in interest in a foot ball club(51%) ,this internet based fan club has member from 70 different countries ...

This club is ranked very low in the english soccer,,

Well,,i have to say here ,i'm not a soccer fan....I don't watch the games and i don't have much interest in who is playing and where or when..I have other obessions to worry about rather than driving my self crazy because some player had an injury,or because another was deprived playing a match..But the news is really interesting

The worl is really changing


Benghazi Citizen

Web sites related to the subject

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

كيف يكون حب الوطن

كنت أطالع بعض المدونات التي فاتتني قراءتها من قبل لدى بعض أصحاب المدونات....من ضمنها مدونة السيد المحترم غرياني ,المعنونة:كيف يكون حب الوطن؟

نقل الينا قصة جميلة عن بنغازي المدمرة منذ ما يقرب من أكثر من 60 عاما...بنغازي المدينة المتوسطية التي كانت مسرحا لحرب لا تعنيها في شئ,التي عانت الدمار جراء تناطح قوى العالم في الحرب العالمية الثانية.لا أخجل من الاعتراف أن في القصة شئ مس قلبي و كاد يدمع عيني,هؤلاء حقاً خدمو الوطن بحب.أرادوا أن تقوم المدينة الجريحة من رماد الحرب,أرادو أن يعوضوها ثمنا دفعته في بضاعة لم تكن تخصها...خدموها لأنهم ببساطة آمنوا بأن هذا ما يفترض فعله...لم يتسابقوا في تأليف الأغاني ,و لم يتباروا في اختيار كلمات فارغة المضمون عن الواجب و كيف يكون.لم يزايدوا على بعضهم البعض و لم يعتبروا حب الوطن حكرا عليهم دون سواهم...كل ما قاموا به أنهم عملوا بإخلاص,لم يتصارعوا على منصب و امتيازات...فقط قاموا بما آمنوا بأنه الصواب...حتى و ان لم يعد لكم وجود بيننا اليوم,أخبركم بأننا مدينون لكم ,أقول لكم :عوفيتم


Benghazi Citizen

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Day two & three:Shahat(Cyrene) ,Susa ,Ras Elhelal..And the dust storm

I started my walks a little late on the second day,,at noon..I drove to Shahat..I didn't visit the ruins of Cyrene ,,i had visited the archeological site so many times ,i almost memorize every stone there:)....
I took some pictures of the graves (or at least what i believe is gaves) that are situated in the margins of the ancient city...Cyrene is a rich archeological site that still needs a lot of work to bring the cultural treasures out...Originally built by greek colonists and then -centuries later-was taken by the Romans....More details about its history is HERE.
Back to me,leaving the Greek and the Romans to rest.
Here is some of the pictures of the area surrounding Cyrene...
Then I drove to Susa..Which is about 16Km(10 miles) from Cyrene,and it is located at the mediterranean....I didn't take pictures in the town it self(Whose residents are mainly fishermen),,but I visited some area around it,,and here they are..
These wild berries are well known in the Green Mountain, They called (Shmari) in here ..They usualy ripe in the Winter months.....They become deep red when the do..
Between Susa and Ras Elhelal lie many beutiful beaches,,,I liked this one..Amazing!!!Then i drove up the mountain to the Valley of Ras Elhelal,,I decided to go down the valley-a little risky and rocky-and i decided to follow the stream up....As expected,it is almost a jungle down there,All i need now for the picture to be complete,is a dinasaur to feel like Jurassic Park..Some body wrote this in 1974.I don't think this will qualify the spot to be declared an archeological site...I had to leave Ras Elhelal valley after almost 2 hours when wind got stronger..A gust of dusty wind almost knocked me down in the bottom of the valley....So i drove again up the mountain on the road between Ras Elhelal and Elqubba (القبة) town..It was a very long,almost deserted road,with dangerous curves.So you do have to drive slowly and carefully... I saw these ruins ,apparently a tomb of some kind..PErhapse belongs to the Roman era..Unfortunately i didn't find any writings on it..It is beutiful,,but I was amazed that there was no other ancient structures around it..but few miles after that i saw more ruins,and those were protected with a fence..I didn't take pictures for them.
After that,on my way to Derna City,weather got really ugly..My eyes started to itch and tear..So I called my last day tripping off...Drove back to my hotel-That meant i had to drove 100 Km to go back there....

I got to my hotel after dark,slept..On the next day i was on my way home with good memories and beutiful pictures to show...

I really hope you like them..

Till next time...Be safe.


Benghazi Citizen

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day one:The Valley of Caves

I started my trip early Monday's morning,I reached the VAlley of Caves(Wadi Elkouf) after 3 hours of slow driving.I met this small fellow apparently in a suicidal mood.It was cruising across the road and almost got ran over by at least 2 speeding cars before I took it away with a little advice:Roads are dangerous,little one..Besides,you are an endangered species...I reached the valley and i saw this nice,apparently very old tree with a hole across its trunk....I liked it.....

Next thing ,i decided to walk through some passages in the bottom of the valley.My goal was to reached the area b eneath Elkouf's Bridge..It was more difficult than i thought..and you will know why.. I walked through these trees,the deeper i went,the denser the bushes became..In a stage it felt like a jungle down there..This huge rock is more than 2.5 meters in height...It laid on the bottom of the valley with others which are even bigger..

Ok,after a 45 minutes walk,i reached this...SWAMP!!!!!! I couldn't find a way around it,the trees were very close together and the rocks on the either sides made it even worse...

I tried to go around,to climb up some smooth rocks ,or even to go under some thick branches,,but useless

I kept expecting a crocodile eyes to appear on the surface of the water,,the picture would be complete with a crocodile in it,don't you think?(Any way,in case you wandered,,these reptiles are not a habitant of Libyan wildness)

The ugly part started when -unaware of it-I got really close to the banks of the swamp..It was nasty,i slipped three times trying to get my self out..I fell on my back and face..I was quite helpless and I used the tree branches to get me out(Reminded me of some thing i reade about dinasaurs and how are the best reserved remnants were found near some tar swamp banks,,well,,i really wasn't interested in the idea of digging my skeleton out thousands of years later,so i got my self out)....The picture tells how did i look after getting out,But believe me,,it was worse than the picture,,my whole back and both of my hands were covered in MUD...

So I looked up with sorrow,this was the nearest i could get to the bridge from below....I climbed my way back,,thanking God that I didn't turn to a museum material for the future..

That was Day One of my trip to the east.....Hoping you like the simple pictures,which unfortunately don't reflect the real beuty of the area....

See you next time ,with more to come..


Benghazi Citizen

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Trip.....

I'm back...The 48 hours trip turned to 96 hours trip...I had a really good time,and i did congratulate my self for the wise decision of tripping in the middle of the week,,,no much traffic,,,,no crazy campers(U know,hose who think enjoying nature is being by cooking,shouting ,driving like crazy...etc)

I drove fo 850 Km(a little more than 500 miles) in different directions..

I climbed some rocky mountain sides,,and walked down some valleys ,and went through a lot of bushes..

I got many scratches all over my body,a cut wound in my wrist(Very small one actually), strained back and right thigh,and some bruses,,,but it was GREAT.......

Very relaxing,and indeed very interesting.....

I will post the pictures in the next posts in timely order order,unfortunately they were taken by my cell phone,,so they are not very good...

But the trip was....SPECTACULAR....